The Bengaluru Portal is hosted by the Bengaluru Science Gallery, a not-for-profit institution for research-based engagement targeted at young adults.
The gallery works at the intersection of the natural and human sciences, engineering and the arts through a Public Lab Complex, ever-changing exhibitions, and mentorship programs. Their goals are to empower young adults, engage in research, and shape culture with the specific goal of bringing science back into culture.
The Science Gallery Bengaluru is a not-for-profit public institution for research-based engagement targeted at young adults. They work at the interface between the natural and human sciences, engineering and the arts through a Public Lab Complex, ever-changing exhibitions, and mentorship programs. We activated a Portal with SGB as part of our GlobalWe activation.
It amazes me just how universal hip-hop has become. Here in America it was originally created as a means to express ourselves despite the forces oppressing us. Blacks had few ways to convey their thoughts publicly so we confused creativity with passion in hopes that the words in our hearts would be felt. Today I spoke with a man on the other side of the world who said that positive hip-hop is blooming where he lives in Afghanistan. It’s inspirational to say the least. I’m honored to be able to share my voice with the world. This portal is a gift, a treasure in time that I feel will one day be incredibly impacting! Javier S