The Kigali Portal is located at Impact Hub Kigali and run by Kurema, Kureba, Kwiga (“To Create, To See, To Learn”), a public arts social enterprise that uses street-arts and art actions to involve civil society in positive social change.
The organization creates large-scale public artworks and works to create new opportunities on both the supply and demand side of the creative arts economy in Rwanda. The Kigali Portal first launched in May 2016 inside of Impact Hub’s conference room, and in September 2019 relaunched with a new space custom built into the rooftop cafe atop the Hub.
It amazes me just how universal hip-hop has become. Here in America it was originally created as a means to express ourselves despite the forces oppressing us. Blacks had few ways to convey their thoughts publicly so we confused creativity with passion in hopes that the words in our hearts would be felt. Today I spoke with a man on the other side of the world who said that positive hip-hop is blooming where he lives in Afghanistan. It’s inspirational to say the least. I’m honored to be able to share my voice with the world. This portal is a gift, a treasure in time that I feel will one day be incredibly impacting! Javier S
Amazing, incredible profoundly beautiful and connective experience. This is a terribly important art exhibit that instantly breaks down the arbitrary barriers that we put up between cultures and people. This is exactly what social media technology should be used for. It’s a beautiful, gorgeous bridge that I hope to see crossing more boundaries in the future. I am grateful and honored to be part of this art exhibit. Yours truly, Kwadwo ADAE